Log holder Z10

Roof access & snow guard

The log holder with aluminium base tile is a perfect fit with our roof tile Z10 and is used to fix wooden bars to catch snow. The shape and colour match the tiles completely to ensure a consistent look to the roof.

Non-ceramic accessories
Number of available colors
9 Farben


Gesamtmaß 29 x 45,6 cm
Decklänge 32 - 38 cm
Deckbreite 26,5 cm

Can be combined with the following roof tiles

  • Z10

    • Dachziegelfarbe naturrot
    • Dachziegelfarbe altrot
    • Dachziegelfarbe dunkelbraun
    • Dachziegelfarbe altschwarz

    9 Colors available

    Reformziegel Z10 in altrot