
Surface & Color

Selected surface/color: old red

Natural red/engobed

Special series

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Overall dimension

24,0 x 40,0 cm

Cover length (CL)

30,0 - 32,0 cm

Cover width (CW)

20,5 cm

Required no. of units per m²

15,2 - 16,2

Weight per unit

ca. 2,8 kg

Recommended roof pitch

≥ 35°

None of our roof tiles have as much tradition as the hollow tiles H1 and H2. They have been produced since Jacobi was founded in 1860. To date, over 500 million hollow tiles have been fired and many historic buildings have used them. Hollow tile H1 is a short tile for “Aufschnitt” roofing whereas the H2 is longer for “Vorschnitt” roofing. The classic is extremely popular for maintaining the value of listed buildings and renovating old roofs.


Dimensions default
Overall dimensions 24,0 x 40,0 cm
Cover length (CL) 30,0 - 32,0 cm
Cover width (CW) 20,5 cm
Required no. of units per m² 15,2 - 16,2
Weight per unit ca. 2,8 kg
Double beading pcs. per rm ca. 3,2
Smallest packaging unit 72 St.
Pcs/pallet 288
Recommended roof pitch ≥ 35°

Latt distance ridge LAF in mm

Latt distance ridge LAF in mm
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
F1 - 60 55 50 45 35 30 30 -
F1v - 70 70 65 60 60 55 55 -
F6v - 70 65 60 55 55 50 50 -
F9 - 60 60 50 45 45 40 40 -
F16 - 60 60 60 55 50 50 50 -

Ridge-batten distance FLA in mm

Ridge-batten distance FLA in mm
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
F1 - 120 115 110 105 95 95 90 -
F1v - 150 140 140 130 130 115 105 -
F6v - 150 140 140 135 130 125 110 -
F9 - 110 110 100 95 85 85 80 -
F16 - 130 120 110 105 95 90 85 -

Lath spacing ridge (LAF) in mm

Lath spacing ridge (LAF) in mm
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
H1 - 45 40 - - - - -

Ridge-batten distance FLA for ridge universal 90°

Ridge-batten distance FLA for ridge universal 90°
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
H1 - 115 110 - - -
Skizze mit Dachschnitt von Hohlpfanne H1 und H2
Example ridge
Skizze mit Doppelwulst von Hohlpfanne H1 und H2
Double beading

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Rechner für Schneeschutzsysteme

Unser Rechner für Schneeschutzsysteme wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen einen Überblick über die zu erwartenden Schneelasten zu geben und dient als Orientierungshilfe für die Schneesicherung Ihres Daches.

Zum Rechner für Schneeschutzsysteme


None of our roof tiles have as much tradition as the hollow tiles H1 and H2. They have been produced since Jacobi was founded in 1860. To date, over 500 million hollow tiles have been fired and many historic buildings have used them. Hollow tile H1 is a short tile for “Aufschnitt” roofing whereas the H2 is longer for “Vorschnitt” roofing. The classic is extremely popular for maintaining the value of listed buildings and renovating old roofs.


Dimensions default
Overall dimensions 24,0 x 40,0 cm
Cover length (CL) 30,0 - 32,0 cm
Cover width (CW) 20,5 cm
Required no. of units per m² 15,2 - 16,2
Weight per unit ca. 2,8 kg
Double beading pcs. per rm ca. 3,2
Smallest packaging unit 72 St.
Pcs/pallet 288
Recommended roof pitch ≥ 35°

Latt distance ridge LAF in mm

Latt distance ridge LAF in mm
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
F1 - 60 55 50 45 35 30 30 -
F1v - 70 70 65 60 60 55 55 -
F6v - 70 65 60 55 55 50 50 -
F9 - 60 60 50 45 45 40 40 -
F16 - 60 60 60 55 50 50 50 -

Ridge-batten distance FLA in mm

Ridge-batten distance FLA in mm
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
F1 - 120 115 110 105 95 95 90 -
F1v - 150 140 140 130 130 115 105 -
F6v - 150 140 140 135 130 125 110 -
F9 - 110 110 100 95 85 85 80 -
F16 - 130 120 110 105 95 90 85 -

Lath spacing ridge (LAF) in mm

Lath spacing ridge (LAF) in mm
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
H1 - 45 40 - - - - -

Ridge-batten distance FLA for ridge universal 90°

Ridge-batten distance FLA for ridge universal 90°
Ridge tile roof pitch
15° 20° 25° 30° 35° 40° 45° 50° 55°
H1 - 115 110 - - -
Skizze mit Dachschnitt von Hohlpfanne H1 und H2
Example ridge
Skizze mit Doppelwulst von Hohlpfanne H1 und H2
Double beading

Dachziegel-Technik App

Mit unserer App Dachziegel Technik bleiben Sie immer auf dem neuesten Stand und erhalten alle wichtigen Informationen und technische Daten rund um unsere Produkte - auch offline!

Mehr über die App erfahren

Header für das kostenlose Werkzeug App Dachziegel Technik

Rechner für Schneeschutzsysteme

Unser Rechner für Schneeschutzsysteme wurde entwickelt, um Ihnen einen Überblick über die zu erwartenden Schneelasten zu geben und dient als Orientierungshilfe für die Schneesicherung Ihres Daches.

Zum Rechner für Schneeschutzsysteme


Do you have your own ideas? Please feel free to contact us

For individual advice, you have the opportunity to tell us your wishes directly via vertrieb@dachziegel.de or using the Contact form.

Roof tile colors